Iconic Bond vehicles - interactive 3d Infographic

Interactive 3D Map

3D Webseite - Bike Shop

3D Website: Charging USA

3D Website - St. Elmo's Fire

Regenagentur - Schwammstadt Infographik

Buy now... Comics für Schuldenberatung Düsseldorf

FU Berlin Elsa-Neumann-Programm

Allgäustrom - Heimatstark E-Mobility Illustration

WBD - Recycling Illustrationen

WBD - Kläranlage Hochfeld

Giesecke+Devrient | G+D CBDC brochure

Urban beach

Urban Hub - WBD

Startup City Duisburg

Street life in Berlin Mitte district

LSN Magazine / cover and infographic

Urban cyberspaces

Carl Zeiss AG - sustainability strategy

Focus Business - New Work

Voith Group / Start-Stop Infographik

Carl Zeiss AG - anniversary

EWE app illustrations

Micropsi robotics

City of Munich - International week against racism

Life Science Nord Cover

EY (Ernst & Young) magazine illustration

Global Bioeconomy Summit

German Federal Foreign Office - Energiewende

Freie Universität Berlin - explainer videos

HORNBACH Holzlieferkette

German Federal Government - bioeconomy strategy

Cideon - Online class

Google german landmarks

Robert Koch Institut - Public health in Germany

FC Bayern München Inflight style Illustration

Evonik project illustrations

Voith Icons

Medical app illustrations

Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben

First responder jetpack

Strolz ski boot app Icons

Deutsche Bank Agenda - Social Media

Personal financial management illustrations

Wayfair - Style by UK region map

Ground Truth Solutions - Annual Report

Raiffeisen Gemeinsam

Starbucks - International Coffee Day

Deutsche Bank Agenda - Blockchain Infographic

Vinci - Grand Paris Express

BMW - infographic for motorcycle plant

TOTAL - refinery infographic

Voith Nextlevel

AWO - information animations for refugees in Germany

Wayfair - The perfect british cheese board

Voith Nextlevel

Merck canteen infographic

Exberliner magazine cover

Venice land

Peak Berlin Icons

Floating blimp parade

Düsseldorf Harbour

Berlin Sunset

Night Skyline Frankfurt

Exploqii Infographics

European patent office infographics

Software4efficiency Eplan & Cideon Customer magazine

Vattenfall Hydrogen technology Infographic

Voith Gmbh annual report

Creating Chemistry - BASF corporate magazine

Gülltin - the tale of a fictional town in east Germany

Arvato Bertelsmann

Volkswagen Autostadt

Remondis animated video - job application process

Volkswagen Autostadt magazine

Vattenfall - Energy storage

Berlin intersection

New worlds

BASF Mobility of tomorrow animation

Eltern Family board game

Mercedes Benz Next

GIZ Markets - Welcome to Germany

Bertelsmann Arvato - festival guide

BASF - Mobility of the future

Company outing - Infographic

History of the electric car

Blloon Icons

Arvato customer magazine

Merck new headquarter - infographic

Certo - Work accident

Markets - Olympic Games in Rio

Arvato - "World's worst hotel" article

Kölnmesse infographic

Aktion Mensch Illustrationen

Berlin Kreuzberg 2043

BASF Infographics

Vattenfall energy advisor

Pen industrial city

Truck lofts

"360" promotional mini poster

Bayerische Staatsforsten corporate magazine

PAY magazine

Illustration for Scheufelen Paper "Heaven 42"

Stadtwerke Bochum map

Sportsfriends game menus

Sourcefabric promotional graphics

100 Years First World War

Amnesty International Social Media Guide

Map for Stadtwerke Herne

APG Reader/Scholz & Friends Strategy Group

Hager Group brand cycle

Mercedes Benz Predictive User Experience Map

"Spring Break" music clip/animation

Thalia Bookchain E-book launch

The face of Neukölln

Publishing House Infographic

die aerzte "m&f" single video clip